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Female white toothy smile


Teeth whitening: Welcome

It's hard to imagine anything more appealing than a sparkling, white smile. Yet our teeth rarely stay as white as we'd like them to without a little help. Fortunately, that help is available at Lifetime Family Dental!

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Teeth whitening at Lifetime Family Dental
Lifetime Family Dental
Teeth whitening at Lifetime Family Dental
Teeth whitening at Lifetime Family Dental
Teeth whitening at Lifetime Family Dental

There are lots of things you can do to make sure your whitening results last as long as possible, and this will vary from person to person (six months to two years or even longer). First of all, please maintain your usual, conscientious routine of brushing and flossing every day, and keep up with your regular schedule of professional cleanings at the dental office. Avoid foods and beverages that stain, including red wine, tea and coffee. If you smoke, use your newly whitened teeth as an impetus to quit — a good idea in any event! A minor touch-up every so often, either at home or at the dental office, can keep your smile bright and beautiful for years.

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